11 Ayurvedic Skincare Practices

According to Ayurveda, beauty originates from the daily practice of self-care. Try these simple lifestyle tips for healthy skin that starts from within. 

Eat Fresh Foods

Your skin is a reflection of what you put into your body. The best foods for healthy skin are fruits (for suppleness), whole grains (for elasticity), leafy vegetables (for digestion and liver health) and oils (for hydration). Avoid foods high in fat, processed foods, salt, sugar and red meat.

Avoid Synthetic Products

Many skincare products are filled with synthetic chemicals. Swap these out for natural ingredients found in your fridge or try products from brands like Rowsie Vain and Paavani.

Ayurvedic Massage

Self-Abhyanga is a morning practice that detoxifies, calms nerves and promotes circulation. Restore balance to your doshas by oiling your body in an act of self-love. Oil your body for 10-15 minutes and let it soak into your skin for as long as possible before rinsing it off. This practice also helps to keep the skin nourished and moisturized.


Beauty Sleep

On average, 6-8 hours of sleep is recommended for healthy skin. Sleeping well prevents wrinkles. Try going to bed early and waking up before sunrise. Not enough sleep increases the number of inflammatory cells in your body that trigger skin problems.

Drink Herbal Tea

Herbal tea contains antioxidants that help protect the skin from damage.
Most Ayurvedic detox teas include ginger, lemon, honey or chamomile.
Remember to also drink water in between sipping tea. Drink in the afternoon for healthy digestion, which is crucial for glowing skin. Try this Spring tea

Sweat It Out

Exercise will improve your digestion and circulation, increases your immunity and flushes out toxins. Aim to add 2-3 workouts per week to pump up your skincare efforts. Additionally, yoga helps balance the Vata dosha.

Just Breathe

Stress is a primary cause for problems with the skin. Breathing exercises (pranayama) are a great way to calm the mind and reduce stress. Breathing deeply also allows oxygen to reach your cells. Before bed, inhale and fill your stomach with air, let it rise into your lungs, then exhale slowly. Practice for 5 to 20 minutes.  

Cleanse, Exfoliate and Steam

Cleansing your skin to eliminate toxins, and unwanted oil or makeup. Soap-based cleansers dry out the skin; rose water is a natural alternative.

Exfoliation is a vital part of Ayurvedic skincare, and Ubtan masks are used for removing dead cells from the skin. Ubtans are made up of a mixture of turmeric, chickpea flour and sandalwood powder. Here’s a recipe

Lastly, try facial and body steaming. Simply cover your head with a towel and lower your face over a pot of boiling water for around 5 minutes. Breathe deeply. The easiest way to steam the entire body is by sitting in a hot, herb-infused back for 10-15 minutes.

Dry Brush

Dry brushing, or Garshana, is an Ayurvedic skincare technique that releases toxins, promotes blood circulation, exfoliates the skin and relieves stress. Start at your feet and make long strokes toward your heart, then shower or bathe as usual.

Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate

The most basic Ayurveda skincare tips is daily hydration. Drinking water improves digestion, flushes toxins, and nourishes the skin from the inside. On average, you should drink at least 7-8 glasses of water every day.

Water stored in a copper vessel, or tamra jal, helps balances the doshas. Additionally, research has shown that copper is antimicrobial and reduces the presence of bacteria. Visit our product page to shop our 100% Pure Copper Bottles. 

Detox Time

Spring is the best time for detoxifying the body. Internal detoxification at the start of the new season is an Ayurvedic practice.

Try cleansing for 3 days up to a week, and customize your cleanse according to your dosha. Short cleanses can be done on your own, but Ayurvedic clinics offer longer programs. Try this

Remember to own your beauty and define it in your own terms.



